IPOD TO: Le Tigre -- This Island
WEB TO: Aeon Flux Cinematic!!
In my ongoing effort to figure out the purpose of this Blog I wanted to share something I came across lately.
a chat with john kricfalusi.
John Kricfalusi has been of course a huge source of inspiration in my sick and twisted upcoming. The article appears to just be a log-file from an online chat. There are some interesting tidbits, but what struct me as really particular was his insistance that there are no modern cartoons worth watching. I was amazed to find someone of his bearth saying that there are no good cartoons anymore. I don't know if that was a generalization, or if he truly doesn't like contemporary cartoons. Perhaps in context of Nickalodian, Cartoon Network, I could tend to agree with him. But, to say that in general, seems obtuse. I mean, you have to give props to the artists at Noodle Soup who bring us Venture Bros. The "animation" per say isn't what I would call good ( think minimul ). But they make up for it with writing. From the creators of the Tick.
Then you have shows like Dextor's Lab, and Samurai Jack. The term 'Animation' is used losely when describing Genndy Tartakovsky projects. However, as a cartoon, his design, color and layout are some of the most cutting edge western animation art i've come across.
Then if we're talking Internationally, then I would have Mr. K. watch: Samurai Champloo. Some of the most forward thinking and well animated concepts I've seen out of an anime series. With it's "hip-hop" soundtrack, and Production I.G. sensibilities, it's hard to ignore the mad awesome animation style.
And to look at even newer talent, you have to look at an academic level. So I bring you Alex Woo. His Rex Stele won a student academy award. His motion is well thought out, and stylized in a way that is reminesent of Don Bluth. The color is inspired, as are the layout and designs.
To say that there isn't any good cartoons anymore is turning an eye to the hordes of inspired and new animators who ARE doing great work. Animate on!

Riding in Shawn's Car with my new Camera.
WEB TO: Aeon Flux Cinematic!!
In my ongoing effort to figure out the purpose of this Blog I wanted to share something I came across lately.
a chat with john kricfalusi.
John Kricfalusi has been of course a huge source of inspiration in my sick and twisted upcoming. The article appears to just be a log-file from an online chat. There are some interesting tidbits, but what struct me as really particular was his insistance that there are no modern cartoons worth watching. I was amazed to find someone of his bearth saying that there are no good cartoons anymore. I don't know if that was a generalization, or if he truly doesn't like contemporary cartoons. Perhaps in context of Nickalodian, Cartoon Network, I could tend to agree with him. But, to say that in general, seems obtuse. I mean, you have to give props to the artists at Noodle Soup who bring us Venture Bros. The "animation" per say isn't what I would call good ( think minimul ). But they make up for it with writing. From the creators of the Tick.
Then you have shows like Dextor's Lab, and Samurai Jack. The term 'Animation' is used losely when describing Genndy Tartakovsky projects. However, as a cartoon, his design, color and layout are some of the most cutting edge western animation art i've come across.
Then if we're talking Internationally, then I would have Mr. K. watch: Samurai Champloo. Some of the most forward thinking and well animated concepts I've seen out of an anime series. With it's "hip-hop" soundtrack, and Production I.G. sensibilities, it's hard to ignore the mad awesome animation style.
And to look at even newer talent, you have to look at an academic level. So I bring you Alex Woo. His Rex Stele won a student academy award. His motion is well thought out, and stylized in a way that is reminesent of Don Bluth. The color is inspired, as are the layout and designs.
To say that there isn't any good cartoons anymore is turning an eye to the hordes of inspired and new animators who ARE doing great work. Animate on!

Riding in Shawn's Car with my new Camera.
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