Tuesday, February 08, 2005

IPOD TO: Judgement Night
WEB TO: All SuperBowl Commercials

This last weekend has been interesting. I went out to the DAMN SHORT FILM FEST and gave a seminar on "Short Film Animation". This was the first year for the fest, and had an impressive turnout! The seminar went great I was told! I got to meet lots of great Filmmakers and watch a host of suprisingly impressive shorts! Both animated and Live action! I had a blast, and look forward to returning where we'll be able to spend more time sight seeing... and VEGAS!!

I'm hoping to update the site here soon with some new content. I need to go ahead and remove the AWN link, since it's from 1998! I think whoever was in charge of that has died off, or lost interest. I also want to post some new Future Girl animation. I've been reworking her, and can't wait to show off the new stuff.


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